wireMEDIA wildWEST adventurE
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Welcome to wireMEDIA's wildWEST Adventure Page!!!

Letter from the president of wireMEDIA :
Hello friends! Thanks for checking out this page. Making travel webpages is one of our newest endevors and this trip to Las Vegas and Southern California was a great way to start. In here, we'll show you some pics of our joruneys as well as guide you to our sportsWIRE wildWEST page where you'll find some great western sports features. I've also included some links to great places that we've visted along the trip. I hope you will enjoy this page and I hope this page encourages you to find your own adventures in this beautiful area!
Sincerly yours, Mike "mikeyG" Gastonguay

Check our our new wildWEST Candids!!

The wildWEST gang at Freemnot Street in Las Vegas

joelGASTONGUAY in the Mojave Desert

the Gang at the Beach

pitSTOP in the Mojave

taking a ride on Venice Beach
Other wildWEST Pix!!

The Bellagio Gardens; Las Vegas

Shots of various points of the desert area in California

More desert : from left to right Peter Crowley, Katherine Crowley, Susanne Snow, Joel Gastonguay

Our entire crew; Matthew & Katherine Crowley; Joel Gastonguay all in the desert

Mikey G & Matthew Crowley at the Desert Hot Springs Park in California

More shots from Desert Hot Springs

The wildWEST crew at Hot Springs Park : Mikey G, Joel Gastonguay, Peter Crowley, Katherine Crowley, Matthew Crowley, Susanne Snow

More pics found at these pages
Mikey G & Mickey Mouse @ World of Disney
Mikey G's "Layin the smackDOWN" @ wrestleMEDIA
The Crew at Dodger Stadium @ sportsWIRE's wildWEST Adventure

wildWEST Links!!
Anaheim Carriage Inn
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Las Vegas
Doral Palm Springs Resort
The Mirage
Danny Gans
Venice Beach

Click the above logo to see our sports oriented activities in the wildWEST