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Boston, Massachusetts

King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals
Rikishi defeated Chris Benoit via disqualification
The fans in Boston's FleetCenter, which sold out in less than five minutes, were ready for action as the King of the Ring kicked off live. And it was action they got as Rikishi took on Chris Benoit in the first of four King of the Ring Tournament quarterfinal match ups. Benoit immediately went to work on Rikishi's right shoulder and then applied the Crippler Crossface. Unfortunately for Benoit, he was too close to the ropes, and Rikishi was able to squirm over and grab the bottom strand. Benoit was so frustrated that he immediately went outside and grabbed a steel chair, and then clobbered Rikishi with it in full view of the referee. Benoit earned himself a disqualification, and Rikishi therefore advanced to the semifinals to face the winner of Eddie Guerrero vs. Val Venis. However, Benoit was relentless, and he continued to hit Rikishi with the chair, delivered a flying headbutt off the top rope and then slapped on the Crippler Crossface again before officials finally got him to break the hold. After the match, as Rikishi lay writhing in pain, Benoit declared in an interview with Michael Cole that not only is he the best technical wrestler in the world, but he can do what he wants, when he wants and there's nothing that anybody can do about it.

Linda McMahon arrived at the FleetCenter during Sunday Night HEAT, and she told Michael Cole that she was there to confront her husband. In the McMahon-Helmsley dressing room, Triple H and Shane McMahon pleaded with Vince to keep his cool. Vince scoffed at the notion that Linda would be able to get under his skin and promised to be "Joe Cool" throughout the night. Triple H and Shane didn't seem convinced.

Val Venis, accompanied by Trish Stratus, def. Eddie Guerrero, accompanied by Chyna
After ample interference by both Trish and Chyna, Val used his quickness to hit Guerrero with a Fisherman's suplex and score the pinfall victory.

Crash def. Bull Buchanan
Buchanan had a clear size and height advantage -- despite Crash's claims of being 7 feet and 400 pounds -- and he used it to pummel Crash with several high-impact maneuvers. Crash seized the opportunity when Bull missed a scissors kick, as he quickly tied up Buchanan into a pinning predicament to score the win. Crash moved on to battle the winner of the Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho match.

Backstage, Vince McMahon walked into Linda's office. Linda told Vince that she was there to make sure the six-man main event was actually three-on-three, and not 12-on-3 like on SmackDown! Vince couldn't believe his wife would accuse him of such a thing; he said it would be a fair match -- and Vince McMahon would come out on top, like always.

King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals (cont.)
Kurt Angle def. Chris Jericho
Angle and Jericho had several near falls, and it appeared Jericho had the match won after getting Angle in the Walls of Jericho. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley ran down to the ring, distracting the official just as Angle started tapping out. Jericho released the hold to confront Stephanie and the official, and Angle gave him a shot to the back of the head, sending him flying into referee Teddy Long. With Long out cold, Stephanie entered the ring with her Women's Championship and aimed squarely at the head of Jericho. But Y2J ducked and Stephanie hit her good friend Angle instead! With Angle down, Jericho turned his attention to Stephanie. He grabbed her ... and kissed her! Stephanie was totally grossed out, but she succeeded in distracting Jericho. Angle sneaked behind and dropped Jericho with the Olympic slam. The referee recovered and counted to three, and Angle advanced to face Crash Holly in the semifinals!

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the Tag Team Championship: Edge and Christian win the titles
Jeff Hardy eliminated Test and Albert after a Swanton bomb. Jeff was about ready to finish off Christian with the same maneuver, but Edge knocked him off the top rope, and Jeff was soon victim of Christian's behind-the-back DDT. That left Too Cool and Edge and Christian as the final two teams. Too Cool hit Edge with the Hip Hop Drop, but as referee Mike Chioda escorted Scotty out of the ring, Christian came from behind and clobbered Grand Master Sexay with one of the belts, and Edge made the cover and he and Christian became the new Tag Team Champions.

King of the Ring semifinals
Rikishi def. Val Venis
Rikishi became the first superstar to qualify for the King of the Ring finals when he caught Val coming off the top rope and dropped him with a belly-to-belly suplex for the win. After the match, Trish jumped on Rikishi's back, but the big Samoan dropped her and was going to splash her from the second rope. Val made the save, low-blowing Rikishi and then pummeling him in his already injured shoulder area with the steel steps and a steel chair.

Kurt Angle def. Crash
Crash tried to use his quickness -- just as he did against Bull Buchanan. But Angle was just too much, and the American Hero won the match after an Olympic slam. The King of the Ring Finals would be Kurt Angle against Rikishi.

Hardcore Evening Gown Match: Crash wins Hardcore Title
It was supposed to be a match between new Hardcore Champion Pat Patterson and former champ Gerald Brisco. However, this being the hardcore division, the match was interrupted -- by another match. Crash ran to the ring with another official, clobbered Patterson with a trash can, and pinned him to become the new Hardcore Champion, much to the delight of the thousands at the FleetCenter.

Handicap Table/Dumpster Match: Road Dogg, X-Pac and Tori def. Dudley Boyz
The match would end either when the DX team stuffed the Dudley Boyz inside the Dumpster and closed the lid, or when the Dudleys put all three of their opponents through a table. DX had the match won when they threw Buh Buh Ray and D-Von in the Dumpster, but the referee was attending to Tori. By the time X-Pac and Road Dogg got the referee's attention, the Dudleys escaped. They followed up by dropping the Road Dogg through two tables -- stacked on top of each other -- and then suplexing X-Pac through another one. They turned their attention to Tori, who jumped into the Dumpster to protect herself. When the Dudleys followed, Road Dogg and X-Pac bashed them with a pair of steel chairs and closed the lid, winning the match! Afterwards, the Dudleys dropped Road Dogg and X-Pac with 3-Ds, and then Buh Buh Ray finally got his wish -- powerbombing Tori from the second rope through a table!

King of the Ring Tournament Finals: Kurt Angle def. Rikishi
Angle took advantage of the fact that Rikishi was competing with a badly bruised and injured right arm. Still, Rikishi was able to kick out when Angle hit an Olympic slam out of nowhere. Angle returned the favor when he kicked out after a Rikishi sit-down splash. Rikishi took a big risk when he climbed to the top rope; Angle retaliated by knocking him off his feet and pummeling him with several shots to the injured arm. Then Angle delivered a belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope, and pinned Rikishi to become the 2000 King of the Ring!

Six-Man Tag for the World Wrestling Federation Championship: The Rock pins Vince McMahon to become new Federation Champion
According to the match's stipulations, if The Rock, Undertaker or Kane pinned any member of Triple H's team, they would be crowned the new Federation Champion. With that in mind, The Rock, Undertaker and Kane wouldn't let one another get pinfalls because they all wanted to win the match and become champion. At one point, when The Rock went for the People's Elbow on Triple H, Kane entered the ring and chokeslammed the People's Champion! Just when Triple H thought that the Big Red Machine was on his side, Kane Tombstoned the champion! However, the Undertaker wouldn't let Kane get the pin. Later, the Undertaker arm-dragged Shane off the top rope, and the "Boy Wonder" went crashing through the announcer's  table! Inside the ring, Vince spotted The Rock, still recovering from Kane's chokeslam. Vince tossed one of his elbow pads into the crowd and went for a People's Elbow of his own! But The Rock may have been playing possum a little bit -- he jumped up as Vince bounced off the ropes and gave the owner a Rock Bottom, and pinned him to become the new Federation Champion! Triple H, irate that he had lost the title without being pinned, retreated to the locker room with fire in his eyes as King of the Ring came to an end. (Thanx WWF.com)


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