Here are all the results from the WWF event from thye FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts on April 9, 2001.

The event began with some dark matches. Of the matches, we have coverage of two notables.
The Haas Brothers 
vs. Scott Vick & Steve Bradley
One Fall Tag-Team Contest
This match was won via pinfall by local talent "Super Bad" Steve Bradley, who once competed in an event in Danvers a few years back. Bradley completed the task with a swinging neck breaker/DDT Combo.

American Dragon vs. Jerry Lynn
One Fall; Singles Contest
Jerry Lynn, a former ECW star, got the upper hand and the win in this match. The martial arts champion scored a tornado DDT to lock in a pinfall on the American Dragon.

Grandmaster Sexxay and 
Steve Blackman vs. Kaientai
One Fall; Tag Team Contest
Kaientai got the crowd into the event with their "INDEED" speech, but it would be The team of "Too Stupid" (as Taka reffered to the team of Grandmaster and Blackman) who would win the first match of the Jakked/Metal tapings. The team celebrated with a "Too Cool Dance Session", leaving us to say "Get Better Scotty 2Hotty", Blackman is a horrible dancer.

Haku vs. Deuce
One Fall, Singles Contest
Haku was the dominant wrestler (without surprise) as he Tongan Death Gripped his way into a submission victory.

Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko vs. 
Alex Arion & Lo-Ki
One Fall, Tag Team Contest
Another obvious victory in order here for the Radicalz. Perry hit a fisherman's neckbreaker on former EWA U.S. Champ, Alex Arion for the 1-2-3!

K-Kwik vs. Johnny Swinger
One Fall, Singles Contest
If I was a betting man, I'd make millions on Jakked/Metal. Johnny Swinger was not my pick (as I hope he wouldn't be yours either) and K-Kwik ended this contest by reversing a nekcbreaker and hitting a powerbomb for the  pinnfall. 

The show starts with a recap of Vince and Linda's trouble..even before the WWF title. 

The WWF titles play then we're taken back to earlier today and Mr. McMahon's looking at Bruin's jersey in a display case. Jim Ross walks in and McMahon tells him to take it easy. Vince asks what the hell happened to him. Did he get in a car accident or fall down a flight of steps? Vince says he'll accept partial responibility. Vince says Ross probably isn't in the right frame of mind to work tonight. Vince says before Ross goes to work tonight, they need to have a little discussion in his office. McMahon doesn't want JR going out there and making deragatory comments about McMahon or Austin. JR walks off.

Kurt Angle vs. Kane (Hardcore Champion)
Hardcore Chapionship Match
This match originally started out as a challenege by Angle (who has reminded us so many times about Boston's less than winning ways) to any of the WWF champions. Kane responded and the match began. Soon after, The Big Show made his presence felt with some "Hardcore Interference". The former hardcore champ was met up by the Undertaker. Taker goes to work on Show and Kane and Taker double team. Angle gets up and tries to join a triple team, but Kane takes Angle out. Double chokeslam by Kane and Taker. Kane covers and gets the win.

Jim Ross is shown in Vince McMahon's office. McMahon says he brought JR in to get him in the right frame of mind. McMahon says he wants nothing but the best for WWF fans. He wants JR to go out there with a clear conscious. To get Ross in the right frame of mind, he invites Steve Austin to join them. Austin asks Ross if he minds. McMahon says this isn't exactly what it looks like. They're here to entertain him. McMahon says in a few minutes, they're going to show some movies.
McMahon, Ross and Austin are in McMahon's office and he puts in the tape entitled "The Life and Times of JR."

First clip shown is from last Thursday's Smackdown. They end up showing most of the interview to the displeasure of the live crowd.

15 minutes later, back to the dressing room. McMahon asks JR what he thought of the film? Double thumbs up. Austin says he now realizes how weak and how pathetic Ross is. Austin says he has nothing else to say to Ross and he gest up and leaves. McMahon asks Ross if he's in the right frame of mind to go to work tonight. JR says yep. Ross says he's also talked to his attorney. Ross says he has a helluva lawsuit if he chooses to go that way. Ross says he's never gone that way. Ross says his other option is to quit tonight. If Ross quits tonight, he's going to work tomorrow for Shane down at WCW. Ross says he has a job to do and he's going to go do it.

The Oklahoma Fight Song plays and Jim Ross makes his way to join Paul Heyman at the broadcast position.

(Light Heavyweight Champion) Crash Holly 
vs. Rhyno
One Fall, Non-Title Contest
Crash hits an inside cradle right off the bat for a two count. Spinebuster by Rhyno. Molly slaps Ryno and Crash hits a body scissors roll up for two. Belly-to-belly suplex by Rhyno and he gets another two count. Clothesline by Crash followed by an attempted sunset flip. Rhyno gets out and Crash hits a crossbody for two. Back elbow by Rhyno then he misses a clothesline, but he hits the gore for the three count. After the match, Molly gets on Rhyno's back, but Rhyno throws her off. Rhyno gets ready for the Gore, but Hardcore Holly comes down to make the save.
Vince is shown backstage with Stephanie. Vince says he has a feeling this is going to be an unusual night. Steph tells him not to worry about JR and especially JR's comments about Shane and WCW. Vince says he has to worry because this is his business. Vince says he don't know what Shane's going to do. Steph says Shane is under contract, he don't have to worry. Vince says he don't have Shane under contract. He has JR under contract, but not JR. On a monitor behind them, Steph notices Linda McMahon arriving at the building.

Linda is shown walking in the back and she runs into The Acolytes they make small talk and she walks into Chyna's photo shoot. They hug and Linda says she has business to take care of.

Michael Cole interviews Spike Dudley. Spike says it was an honor and a privelege to be in the same ring as Lita. X-Factor comes in and starts making fun of Spike. X-Pac says he's hear of laying down for women before, but never in the ring. Spike says he can fight his own fights and he can take his own ass kickings. Albert throws Spike into the chain link fence. X-Pac and Credible talk more crap and walk away.

Jonathan Coachman walks into William Regal's office. Regal tells him to straighten up and have some pride. Regal says he's concerned about this newfound respect between Jericho and Benoit. Tonight, we'll see the next great classic between Jericho and Benoit and Coachman gets to tell them they'll be fighting tonight.

Undertaker vs. Big Show
One Fall, Singles Contest
This match came about as a challenge after the hardcore bout. The match started off with the Big Show missing a double ax handle. Then the fight breaks out. Bear hug by Show then he puts Taker in the corner. Taker gets his boot up on teh charge. Taker hits a series of right hands and backs Show into the corner. Right hands by Taker. Taker gets a whip reversed and Show hits a splash. Show hits a couple knees to Taker's midsection then he corner mounts. Taker hits the Last Ride from the middle turnbuckle and gets the three count.

The old school Wrestlemania Theme hits and Linda McMahon comes out. Linda says thank you to all the fans. She came here tonight because she wanted to make three announcements. One, as you can see and like she said last week, she has fully recovered and is of sound body and mind and she has resumed all her responsibilities as CEO of the World Wrestling Federation. Secondly, she wants to again say how proud she is of her son Shane who did what he felt he had to do at Wrestlemania. Linda says she wants Shane to know she wishes him all the luck in the world and success with his new acquisition. Her third announcement doesn't really involve Shane and her, but it does involve her husband, Vincent K. McMahon. Vince being the one who always likes to do things in public fashion, she'd like to request his presence to join her in this very ring.

Vince obliges as No Chance hits and he walks confidently towards the ring. Vince tries to give her a hug, but Linda pushes him away. Vince looks for a microphone. He finally gets one and he says he knows why she is here. Quite frankly, he admires her for it. She came out here to apologize. She came out here, that's her announcement, she came out here to apologize for what she did at Wrestlemania. She's going to apologize to him for kicking him in the gonads. 

Linda fires back by saying, "Vince, shut up" She's the one who's going to do the talking in this ring tonight. Maybe he'll recall the last time they had a public chat in the ring. She remembers, it was last December in Madison Square Garden. In case he don't remember, Linda reminds him with the video of Vince wanting a divorce 

Vince says he didn't mean it. He was just a little angry that night.

Linda says he wasn't just angry, he was furious. He made her ill. She was stunned, but she guesses anyone would be when that comes out of the blue after 34 years of marriage. He did make her ill and sick, but not sick enough to be put in a sanitarium and medicated heavily. For the next few months, he kept saying, he knows she can hear him and he would do thing after thing. Linda reminds him with video of things Vince and Trish did over the last three months.

Linda says all of that finally led to the match at Wrestlemania. She has to tell him, a lot of wrongs where righted at Wrestlemania. Trish kept the doctors away so Linda wasn't so heavily medicated. Trish even got to slap him. Mick Foley pumeled him in the corner and Linda even got a kick in. Shane finished it off with a kick to the trash can. Linda says a lot of people would think he has revenge enough, but she's not one of those people.

Vince says he'll give her what she wants. He'll do this because he's been the one to sacrifice in this relationship. What she wants is.....he'll give it to her. Publicly. He apologizes. He says he'll go one step further. Just like it was 34 years ago when he asked her to make the right decision then and she did, all he's asking for is for her to make the right decision now. Vince is on his knees. He tells Linda to read his lips. He humbily, truely aplogizes for his actions. 

Linda puts a hand on his shoulders and says she didn't come her for an apology. She tells him to read her lips. She wants a divorce. 

The ending of this segment brought little hope for the possible return of Shawn Michaels.

Lita catches Linda in the parking lot and she says that was awesome what she did out there. Truly inspiring. Linda gets in the limo and Vince runs up and tries to talk to her, but the limo pulls away. McMahon turns around and sees Lita standing there. McMahon asks about Lita saying she was inspired. Lita tries to talk, but McMahon tells her to shut up. McMahon says what's inspiring is seeing Lita tonight in a match against Stephanie. He tells her to bring the Hardy Boyz as well for this is a six man match with Steve Austin and Triple H.

Buh-Buh Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley 
& Spike Dudley vs. X-Pac, 
Justin Credible & Albert
One Fall, Six Man Tag Team Contest
Uncle Cracker now does X-Factor's music. The fight starts on the ramp with all six guys. buh-Buh throws Credible in the ring. Right hands by Buh-Buh then he whips Credible and hits a Buh-Buh Bomb. Spike tagged in and Spike gets a right hand. Back hand chop by Spike, but he walks into the wrong corner. Albert holds Spike, but Spike moves and Credible hits Albert. Double knoggin knocker by Spike on Credible and X-Pac. Spike goes for a suicide cross body,but Albert catches him and drives him into the ring post. X-Pac gets tagged in. X-Pac shoulders Spike in the corner and tags in Credible. Spike hits a double face plant. All three guys are down. D-Von tagged in and he takes out all of X-Factor. Power slam on Credible and he gets a two count. Buh-Buh throws X-Pac to the outside then he clotheslines Albert out. Buh-Buh and D-Von hit 3-D on Credible for the win. After the match, D-Von hits the waazzzuupp headbutt on X-Pac and Buh-Buh calls for the table. D-Von throws a table in the ring, but Albert gets up and hits a double clothesline on Buh-Buh and D-Von. Spike gets in the ring and Albert press slams him back to the ramp from the ring. Buh-Buh and D-Von set up the table and go for the 3-D, but Justin Credible pulls him out. Albert comes from the outside and hits the Baldo Bomb on Buh-Buh through the table.

Vince is shown in his locker room packing up. Triple H asks if this tag match is a good idea. Vince tells him and Steph not to be so selfish all the time. He's got faimly problems to straighten out.

Team Extreme is in their locker room and Matt's trying to figure out how Lita got them into this situation. Matt asks Jeff what he thinks. Jeff says he loves it. He should go thank Vince right now. Matt should realize what kind of opportunity this is. Austin and Triple H aren't a team, like them. They aren't tight, like the Hardyz. Jeff says tonight, they go out ther and take on Austin, Triple H, and Steph and tonight, they go out there and beat Austin, Triple H,and Stephanie.

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho
One Fall Singles Contest with S. William Regal as the special guest referee.

Collar and elbow tie up and Jericho backs Benoit into the corner. Benoit reverses and Regal makes them break. Another collar and elbow tie up and Benoit shoots Jericho. Crossbody by Jericho. Dragon screw leg whip by Benoit then he puts Jericho in the corner. Jericho gets his boots up, but Benoit hits a drop toe hold and tries to go for the crossface, but Jericho squirms free. Schoolboy by Jericho and he doesn't get a one. Benoit gets up and Jericho hits a double leg takedown and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Benoit gets to the ropes. Jericho with a scoop slam and Regal counts a slow two. German suplex by Benoit and he covers, but Regal waves at the crowd. Jericho gets up and attacks Benoit from the back. Elbow by Jericho then he goes for a missle drop kick, but he hits Regal. Regal gets up and forarms both guys. Benoit and Jericho both get up and take turns on him. Benoit rips his shirt off and they take turns with chops. Suplex by Benoit and Jericho hits the Lionsault. Benoit hits the flying headbutt and Jericho puts on the Walls of Jericho while Benoit puts on the Crippler Crossface. More officials come out to make the guys break the holds.

Steve Austin and Triple H are shown talking. Steph asks if they are going to include her in on this. Steve says no, they're done and he walks out of the locker room. 

Raven vs. Val Venis
One Fall, Singles Contest
Earlier today, Raven is shown backstage and The Right To Censor asks for a word. Steven Richards says they are only trying to help him. Venis says what they stand for is just and true. They have meaning in their lives and they are here to share that joy with him. Raven says fate has brought them to him. Destiny will expose their hypocritcal ways and pain will make then hurt. Richards says if he's not with them, he's against them. This brought about thier match here at RAW IS sportsWIRE!! The bout began with a DDT by Raven in the middle of the ring after a little brawling and Steven Richards pulls Raven out of the ring. Raven gets back inand covers and Bull Buchanan pulls the ref out. Goodfather comes in and hits the ho (?) train and Venis gets a two count. Venis hits the fisherman's suplex and gets a two count. Venis and Richards argue with the ref and Bull hits the scissors kick. Venis hits the money shot and gets the win.

Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy & Lita vs. 
Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, 
& Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
One fall, Intergender Tag Team Match.
A brawl ensues. Lita looks around for Steph, but can't find her and she gets attacked from behind. Jeff kicks Triple H to the outside and matt gets rid of Austin. Matt and Hunter start. Matt tags in Jeff and puts Triple H in the corner. Jeff hits Poetry in Motion. Austin gets in the ring and Jeff hits Poetry in Motion on him too. Matt takes Austin over the top. Jeff goes to the top rope and hits the Whisper in the Wind on Triple H. Jeff covers, but Austin pulls Jeff out of the ring. Jeff knocks Austin down and then hits a shoulder block on Triple H. Jeff goes for a sunset flip, but he needs help from Matt. Two count by Jeff. Matt becomes the legal man and Hunter hits a high knee and tags in Austin. Matt punches Austin down in the corner. Austin puts on a sleeper, but Matt hits a back suplex. Matt goes to the middle rope and hits the drop shot for two. Matt puts Austin in the corner and tags in Jeff. Spinebuster by Austin. Austin low blows Jeff behind the ref's back. Austin picks Jeff up by his hair then punches him righ back down. Triple H is tagged in and Austin holds Jeff down while Triple H kicks him. Hunter hits a couple punches, but Jeff comes out firing. Drop toe hold by Hunter to neutralize Jeff. Austin tagged in and he hits an elbow drop. Austin blatantly chokes Jeff. Snap mare by Austin then Austin drives his knee into Jeff's throat. Austin manhandles Jeff and tags Triple H. Hunter grabs Jeff's leg and picks him up. Jeff hits an enziguri then starts to crawl towards his corner, but Triple H makes the tag and Austin cuts him off. Jeff hits a reverse heel kick on Austin. Jeff finally makes the tag with Triple H hanging on his leg. Matt hits the double clothesline from the top. Austin throws Matt to the outside. Ausin takes Matt into the barricade and the announce table. Jeff and Hunter fight outside as well. Lita and Stephanie are left in the ring. Lita hits the Twist of Fate then the moonsault for the win. Austin gets back in the ring with a steel chair. Lita faces Austin and Triple H attacks her from behind. Triple H kicks Lita down then pedigrees her. Tripel H turns her over and Matt gets in the ring and spears Hunter. Jeff gets in the ring and he gets met with a steel chair. Austin then beats on Matt with the chair. Lita jumps on top of Matt to protect her and Austin beats Lita with the steel chair. Austin turns Lita over again and drives the steel chair into her stomach. Triple H pedigrees Matt. Austin gets a few more shots on Lita. Triple H picks Lita up by her hair and drags her around. Triple H holds her up. Austin gives her the finger, kicks her in the stomach then hits the Stunner on her. With TV cameras now off the air, Austin and Hunter continue their attack on Team Extreme as well as break out some beer and mock as many fans as they possibly can before they all made their way out of the FleetCenter. This celebration lasted for about five minutes and infuriated the fans. Triple H and Austin became "Trash Targets" as the remaining fans let McMahon's boys know what they think of them. Once Austin and Hunter retired to the backstage area, the Hardyz slowly but surely got up to a ovation from those who had remained.
WINNERS : Team eXtreme
thanks to top rope for recaps

WWF/wireMEDIA Event History
RAW IS WAR : June 8, 1999 - Worcester Centrum Centre :
    Only one title change that night as Ivory won the Women's gold. This RAW saw Vince McMahon and the Corporate Ministry and Stone Cold's first day as CEO of the WWF. Austin rose some hell in a non-broadcast confrontation marking the end of the night of wrestling in Worcester.
     AWF/WWF Benefit Show - Neuburyport, Ma. - August 21, 1998
     The WWF sponsored this event and loaned many superstars to the show. including Kurt Angle, Scotty 2 Hotty, the Headbangers, The Giant Silva, Brother Love, Sgt. Slaughter, Tom Pritchard, The Hardy Boyz, and Edge. The superstars of the AWF battled their hearts out and in then end, it all came out in the ring with a full out battle.
WWF wrestleMANIA XIV - Sunday, March 29, 1998 - FleetCenter; Boston, Massachusetts.
This was definitely the biggest wrestling event to hit New England!! Stone Cold wins the title from Shawn Michaels in a historic match. The brothers Undertaker and Kane square off for the first time; Pete Rose is tombstoned and Mick Foley, Terry Funk, and the New Age Outlaws fight over a dumpster. Good Stuff! 
WWF Live Action - Saturday, November 28, 1997 - FleetCenter; Boston, Massachusetts.
This marked the first visit of DGeneration X to Boston as Triple H and Shawn Michaels mocked the crowd with no remorse. Michaels was less than a month into his title reign after defeating Bret Hart in the infamous 97' Survivor Series Screw-job. The main event was a street fight between the victors Stone Cold & LOD vs. the Nation of Domination.
WWF King of the Ring - Sunday, June 8, 1997 - Providence Civic Center; Providence, Rhode Island.
Little by little, Stone Cold Steve Austin was becoming the most popular superstar in the WWF. Providence and the world watched as the next big thing in the WWF faced off against present fan favorite, Shawn Michaels. Also, Triple H wins the King of the Ring and the Undertaker retains his WWF Title against Farooq. 
WWF Tour de Force - Saturday, March 2, 1996 - Worcester Centrum; Worcester, Massachusetts.
Weeks before Shawn Michaels won the WWF Title at wrestleMANIA XII, Shawn went toe to toe with the British Bulldog, the man who would combat him for two of the three months following wrestleMANIA. Also, Bret Hart and Golddust retained both the WWF and Intercontinental Titles respectively and Stone Cold Steve Austin made his first apperance in Worcester as a WWF Superstar.
WWF Monday Night RAW - Monday, August 15, 1994 - Lowell Memorial Auditorium; Lowell, Massachusetts.
Nearly five years before founding sportsWIRE, wireMEDIA executive producer, Mike Gastonguay, went to his first live WWF event when RAW came to the memorial aud in Lowell. "There's no other way to describe it but really cool!" he commented "I saw all my favorites live, I met Shawn Michaels and it was just a blast!".
The event consisted of a live RAW, two RAW tapings, and several dark matches including both the real & fake Undertakers, and a 20-man battle royal which was won by soon-to-be world champion, Bob Backlund.
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